Mind your language is a British comedy television series that premiered in 1977. It was produced by London Weekend Television and portrayed a classroom of foreign students learning English. It featured Barry Evans as the famous English teacher Mr Jeremy Brown and Miss Dolores Courtney as the prim and proper English Headmistress.
The origins of movie subtitling can be traced back to title cards, which were first used in 1903. The first movies back in the 1890s were silent movies, and in 1903, title cards were introduced in lieu of spoken dialogue. These title cards were placed between scenes to convey the message of the movie. To accommodate foreign markets, the title cards were simply translated and slotted in the same places. These cards contained simple keywords to set the upcoming scene, e.g. “Hot day” for a beach setting. Read more
This is more than double the number recorded in 2016 of $61.8 billion. Given that there are currently about 2.2 million apps, this equates to a well-rounded number of $63 million revenue per app. Thank you, I would gladly accept that slice of the pie in just under five years. Given that the average app costs between $5 000 and $10 000 to develop, that would represent a return on investment that is nothing short of amazing. Read more
You’ve created an amazing app. It has been downloaded over 500 000 times. You followed the advice of the previous Wonder Words blog (How to boost App downloads?) and translated your app into three other relevant languages. Download numbers continue to soar. Read more
You’ve created an amazing app. It has been downloaded over 500 000 times. The feedback from users has been excellent. You are “on top of the world” and really believe that your app can break the million mark. You then realise that growth has been slow since you have crossed the 500 000 mark. The excitement starts to fade… Read more
In its simplest form, localisation may involve the conversion of the currency or the alteration of a punch line. On the other end of the spectrum, companies need to totally re-engineer products to suit the tastes and cultural preferences of the local market. The regular beef Big Mac will certainly not be well received in India. The McCurry may not look like a regular Indian curry, but certainly sounds a lot more appealing than the offering from a regular McDonalds in downtown LA. A reference to a king (Maharaja) will certainly turn the heads of many in India. Read more
When most of us think of voice-over, Scarlett Johansson as Kaa from The Jungle Book immediately pops into mind! Over the last 20 years, Disney character voices have been portrayed by some of the most well-known voices in the entertainment industry. Disney reinvented voice-over. What a lot of people fail to realise is that voice-over extends beyond Disney and we are frequently exposed to voice-over services. Read more
Just to clarify at the outset, “copywriting” or “copywriting services” has nothing to do with the protection of “copyrights”. It is a bit of a strange term and to the average person, “writing” is the more obvious term. Not to add further confusion, we will stick to the term “copywriting”. Copywriting is the process of writing material for various mediums – emails, websites, brochures billboards and more. In order for copywriting to be effective, it needs to tick a few boxes: Read more
If your recording session is anything like the cartoon above, be aware that the transcription process is going to be a lot more expensive than you imagined. You can save a lot of time and money by ensuring a few basic rules are followed when recording your audio file. Read more
We have experienced a migration away from traditional mediums for a prolonged period, as readers abandon hard copy books in favour of e-books. Fancy devices like the Kindle and the iPad have made the switch even more enticing. We believe that this trend is slowing down and may even be reversing. In 2015, sales of e-books in the UK fell for the first time, while sales of printed books increased for the first time in four years. Read more